I have gone through the VM Tools installation until it tells me to go into C.P. Display and click the "Change Display " button. From here, I should see a number of prompts leading to the finalization of the SVGA driver installation. Unfortunately, I can't see such a " Change Display" button and I am stuck.
I don't know if this has something to do with changing the guest system OS for Windows 95 instead of Windows 7, as you had suggested earlier and which, indeed has solved my Windows protection error. In fact, right after correcting the OS guest system as Windows 95, I was prompted to click O.K on a number of files in rapid succession, ( to install them ?) . Some of them could not be found and I was given the option to SKIP, which I did. May be some of the skipped files had something to do with the SVGA driver. If this is the case how do I backtrack, to fix the problem?
Thank you