WimDidden wrote:
We are having an issue on our VM environment but i am not sure how to understand it so i am hoping someone can help me with that.
We have a VMware ESX v4.1 environment that consist of 6 phisical machines (6 * DELL R910 (96GB RAM, 2*X7560 CPU)).
On these machines we run our Citrix Server + Webfarm.
After counting all the cpu's dedicated to the vm's i ended up with 156 vCPU.
If I do the same for our physical CPU's, I got a total of 96 (not counting HT).
Not sure if this is a question, but you can have more vcpu then Pcpu. you can have up to 25vcpu dedicated per core.
After upgrading the XenApp servers (20) from 4 to 8 cores it seems that there sometimes appear some glitches (apps frees when oppening, ...)
At the moment I don't where to look.
Is 8 cores to much in a single VM? Do we need more physical cores? ...
As there is more overhead that needs to be done, its normally best to start out with lower vcpus and add more if you really need them,
Why did you make the bump to 8 vcpu? were all the cpus in the vm maxed out or running high? if not scale back.
So if anyone has some info that could help me understand what is happing.
With kind regard
Re: Performance