I did the following and was able to fix the problem immediatley.
Check the following logs:
C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\SSOServer\logs\ssoAdminServer.log
2013-01-23 11:19:37,309 ERROR opID=DF1C47AC-00000005-1e pool-31-thread-8 com.vmware.vim.sso.groupcheck.vlsi.GroupCheckServiceImpl] Unexpected Local OS exception
com.rsa.common.UnexpectedDataStoreException: Unexpected Local OS exception
Caused by: com.rsa.ims.localis.LocalisAccessError: Local O/S Identity Source Error: LOCALIS_STATUS_INTERNAL, extended error: 1722 : [GroupInfo.c:254]
NetUserGetLocalGroups failed: The RPC server is unavailable.
C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\SSOServer\logs\imstrace.log
2013-01-23 15:30:10,303, [pool-31-thread-4], (LocalisAccessHelper.java:523), trace.com.rsa.ims.localis.LocalisAccessHelper, DEBUG,,,,,Invoking GetUserGroupsByName(Domain\username) Local OS call
2013-01-23 15:30:27,254, [pool-31-thread-4], (LocalisAccessHelper.java:531), trace.com.rsa.ims.localis.LocalisAccessHelper, DEBUG,,,,,GetUserGroupsByName Local OS call status 6
2013-01-23 15:30:27,254, [pool-31-thread-4], (GroupAccessLocalIS.java:313), trace.com.rsa.ims.admin.dal.localis.PrincipalAccessLocalIS, DEBUG,,,,,Lookup failure: [GroupInfo.c:254] NetUserGetLocalGroups failed: The RPC server is unavailable
Note: is IP of VC
Then do the following:
- Ensure Port 135 is open on your DC using the netstat -a -t cmd.
- Ensure Netbios over TCP/IP v4 is enabled on the VC Windows Server.
- Add forest/domain to DNS Suffixes on the VC Windows Server. (All domains must be added to DNS suffix which are added as a identity source in the SSO configuration).
See: http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2034798 for more info
Message was edited by: kgraw21