We have a number of IBM serves with 10 1gbit ports (2x quad NIC's and the 2 onboard LOM's) 8 of which are actaully in use.
We are about to introduce 10gbit networking to these host via a pair of single port 10gbit NIC's (can't remember the brand off the top of my head, but its IBM's official 10Gbit NIC, whatever that may be)
i was concerned this morning when i reviewed the vSphere 5.1 configuration maximums and found the statement listed in the screenshot
We'll have 2 10gbit and 8 active 1gbit ports. The 10gbit NIC's are being installed specifucally to support an ethernet storage network (its currently over FC) but over time we may well move vmkernal/vmotion traffic over the 10gbit, so will reduce our need for 1gbit. Initially though we need to run as we are.
Do we have a problem ?
Thanks !