Per , I have followed it word for word. I am now on, which is step 2 of 7. I am stuck at step 19 of KB2035011. I have re-done everything twice and this is killing me. The command from the KB is...
SSO install directory\ssolscli\ssolscli updateService -d -u SSO administrator -p SSO administrator password -si c:\certs\sts_id -ip c:\certs\
I get the following...
Failed trying to retrieve token: ServerFaultCode: Request version '' and namespace '' are not supported
Return code is: ServiceNotResponding
For background, I currently cannot login into the web client as admin@system-domain. It immediately returns...
Failed to connect to VMware Lookup Service <lookupserviceURL> - SSL certificate verification failed.
Through searches on this error, they all point to the vCenter appliance which I am not using.