Well there are 8 not 7 snapshots, based on the .vmx and file listing you posted. Also it looks like you added the "VM-Test-Raw.vmdk" at one point to a clone VM since the .vmx has ide0:1.fileName = "VM-Test-Raw-000008.vmdk" and the ide0:0.fileName is "VM-Test-cl1-000001.vmdk".
Anyway the .vmx shows AutoProtect is enabled and this should never be used on a normal VM much less one that has a Raw Disk!
IMO The easiest way to clean up this mess is to boot the Virtual Machine from a Windows Live OS CD/ISO Image and make a Ghost Image and then just delete the Raw Disk and Snapshots manually so it is not a part of the Virtual Machine. The boot the physical system and dump the Ghost Image onto the physical drive. Anyway that's how I clean up this mess and then next time you use a Raw Disk don't allow Snapshots to be taken!