Hello LucD,
you are the man. Thanks a lot for reply. I have gone through portal you said and i find this in your events part -I.
Get-VIEvent -Start (Get-Date).adddays(-120) | `
where {$_.gettype().Name -eq "VmCreatedEvent" -and $_.CreatedTime -lt (Get-Date).adddays(-30)} | `
select @{N="VMname"; E={$_.Vm.Name}},
@{N="CreatedTime"; E={$_.CreatedTime}}
@{N="Host"; E={$_.Host.Name}},
@{N="User"; E={$_.UserName}}
The output i got is
Name Value
---- -----
N Host
E $_.Host.Name
N User
E $_.UserName
Can you please help on this?