If you use PowerCLI you could do something like this:
Get-DataStore ESX02_LOCAL2 | New-DataStoreDrive -Name DS
cd DS:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | where {$_.Name -like "vmware-*.log"}
Remove-PSDrive -Name DS
If you're happy with the files that are found you would just change the one line to this to delete the files:
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | where {$_.Name -like "vmware-*.log"} | foreach ($_) {remove-item $_.fullname}
If you're connected to a console or SSH session and just need a one time run you could run this to list the files
find /vmfs/volumes/ -name vmware-*.log -exec ls {} \;
and this to delete the files
find /vmfs/volumes/ -name vmware-*.log -exec ls {} \; | xargs rm