1) I stay as it is, one single RAID6-30TB Logial drive, for perfomance reason. (why is this has better performance?)
Because HW Raid Controller scheduling is simplest when grouping is flat (Single GROUP)
2) Can I "increase" my "datastorage1" upto the max space available that is about 27TB ? and no problem with the 2TB limitation?
Yes, ESXI 5.0 already can go beyond 2 TB limit now
3) Create/add new hard drives to my Virtual Machines but less that 2TB, since the vmware limitation.
Each Virtual drive will show as LUN on ESXI 5.0/5.1
Option (B) (this is just to know)
If I want to create a second virtual drive, to see 2 LUN availables on vmware, I should:
1) reebot my server, go to HP Raid config, DELETE my actual RAID6, (which will make loose all my data and virtual machines)
2) select the drives, say on two groups of 6 drives, create two RAID6 and then two Logical drives. (6-2)x3TB=12TB Logical drive x2 =24TB;
which is less than 30TB on option (A), (because I am lossin 2 drives on reach raid)
3) Make sure you upgrade FIRMWAREs for both Machine/Controller
Raid 6 is fine. Having 2 smaller groups of Raid 6 defeat original purpose of Maximizing use-able space without
increase safety.
Please do not get offended. Just my few cents