Dugman wrote:
Thanks everyone
Sorry about the delay responding. I started building a new VM. Though, the export / import OVF option looks good.
So I’m guessing that an OVF template will retain all the applications and settings of the original?
everything in side the vm stays the same, its a clone
What about the attached storage and drive structure?
if its a vmdk, it will be placed in the ova
My guess would be that I would need to do all of this from within a VM? Jump on the destination vCenter, chose the VM to do the work from, add a drive to the datastore that will house the relocated VM.
Log in to the VM with the new drive..
Go to the source vCenter and export the OVF to the VM's new hdd that I was working from. Wait for the process to complete and then go back to the destination vCener and file/deploy OVF.
From what I can tell this could be done from a physical workstation using its internal storage as long as it had enough space, this would be sure to take much longer though.
this can be done from any workstation using the vi client