Hi Mahesh,
You should remove that setting then as it's obviously not helping.
Looking at the stats, it's clear that, in both cases, the servers are quite overwhelmed and you're either going to need to give them more resources (CPU) or add extra servers if you want to run at your current rate. When the gateway is enabled, the async queue is unable to keep up with the rate of operations. This may be resolved once the load is more evenly balanced, but I doubt it.
We're looking into why adding the gateway seems to 'attract' all the operations to the primary gateway. This shouldn't be happening, so we need to look at that some more. In the meantime, could you please try and gather the following:
- Thread dumps, from the servers when the gateway is enabled and you're running your test.
- Could you start your servers in the reverse order than you normally do which should cause server2 to become the primary gateway and then start the test. Also, can you only start the web servers once both servers are up and running.