You misunderstood my post which was probably because it was hard for me to explain. I am not trying to install snow leopard. This is a VM of Mountain lion running on my Mac Pro also running Mountain Lion. What I am trying to do is import the contents from my Snow Leopard user profile into my Mountain Lion VM so that I can load it up to use on my 2nd monitor as I need it. I have a Time Machine backup of snow leopard that I am trying to import. The reason I do not want to import this to my real OS is because I have 15 years of crud I am trying to weed out slowly and very carefully. My clean install is very fast and I want to keep it that way. I want to keep it open on my second monitor and carefully pick and choose what to import. But more importantly I need to open certain apps installed from that old user account and view certain settings and then configure my accounts on the newer apps.
I just want to do a standard time machine migration from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion in my VM so that I don't have to keep rebooting back and forth to accomplish what I am trying to do. I need to be able to import about 200GB of files during this migration but it will not allow this because it thinks the disk is only 40GB even though I have resized it to 400GB. Hope that makes more sense.
I hope you have a suggestion. The only thing I can think of at the moment is to copy a folder with a large amount of data and keep duplicating the folder until the hard drives expands inside the VM but surely there must be a better way than that.
All of the resizing threads I saw in this forum dealt with running Windows in a VM. I didn't see any other thread with someone using a Mac with Mountain Lion trying to resize a VM also running Mountain Lion. Surely other people have needed to do a Time Machine migration import, so I hope someone can tell me how they got around the Apple (Not VM Ware Fusion) migration assistant when it tells you there is insufficient space to import your backup.