SOE Inc. (Everquest, Everquest 2, Planetside, Planetside 2, Free realms, etc.) is terminating users accounts on systems with VMWare products installed. There has been no official notice of this, however, many users are flocking to the SOE forums asking why their paid service accounts were terminated. SOE support has asked users whose accounts are reinstated to remove all VMWare products from their systems to continue to use SOE services.
For those who are unfamiliar, SOE is a gaming branch of Sony. They run multiple online games. If a user attempts to log into their systems from a machine running VMWare, their accounts are terminated immediately without notice.
I would like to get the word out to users about this issue as well as VMWare staff.
This post has no relation to my work. It is personal in nature and has no reflection upon my employeer or my employeer's opinions. I use VMWare products in a personal nature (VMWare Workstation, Player, ESXI). I want to make sure that this is noted since my VMUG account is registered under a work related email address.