The only option is to force shtudown the VM (power off).
That is not necessaraly the only option and frankly it's the worst thing you can do! Forcefully killing the vmware-vmx process is a very good way to trash the Virtual Machine and quite possibly beyond repair. I learned a long time ago to, at a minimum, always have a backdoor setup to be able to issue a reboot/shutdown command over the network in an attempt to resolve an issue before forcefully killing the vmware-vmx process. I also usually have RDC enabled as another avenue to deal with issues that might arise and again try to keep from having to forcefully kill the vmware-vmx process. Sometimes one will have no choice but to forcefully kill the vmware-vmx process however it is not something I'd do lightly unless you have a proper backup of the Virtual Machine to restore from if/when it gets trashed because of the use of force!
Also have you tried just closing or killing the VMware Workstation GUI and then reopen it and see if it will attach back to the back-end process with a normal screen not the black screen?