I think I found the problem. In the configurator.log I found these entries:
Mar 18 2013 14:21:45.138 WARN [tomcat-http--4] org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound - No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/cfg/wizard/horizon/images/loader-bar.gif] in DispatcherServlet with name 'appServlet'
Mar 18 2013 14:21:45.154 WARN [tomcat-http--5] com.vmware.horizon.configurator.vm.remote.impl.AppManagerRemoteImpl - Trying to connect to service at: http://service-va.mycompany.local:8080/
Mar 18 2013 14:21:45.159 ERROR [tomcat-http--5] com.vmware.horizon.configurator.vm.remote.impl.AppManagerRemoteImpl - Error reaching service url
org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connection to http://service-va.mycompany.local:8080 refused
I've seen this issue before where by on our Application Manager standalone instance Active Directory refused to sync because the insecure ports were disabled. Re-enabling the insecure ports fixed the AD sync issue, but in Horizon Workspace the Configure console menu opiton has been removed. I don't know how to manually enable the insecure ports.