I would like to pose a question along the same lines as this original question hopefully answering both questions.
So I have two datacenters with a template in one that I want to clone to the other. The issue is I use the New-Template command and for the -Location I put the DC name or a variable such as the below $dc with identifies the same DC name. If I specify the folder I want it to go to instead of the DC with -Location it states it can only copy a template on the same DC. If I just put the DC in the location it copies to the appropriate Datacenter but drops the clone in the root of the DC. I want to be able to use the New-Template command to not only clone the template to a new template on a different DC but in the same command I want to tell it to go to the appropriate folder in that datacenter. Sorry if this is confusing.
Manually in vSphere I can easily accomplish this through the interface, its through CLI that it has been tricky. Trying to automate the process basically this is the only hurdle I am running into. I can Move-item easily enough I would just like to wrap it all up if possible in the New-Template command..
My command looks basically like this:
Template is in DC2
$dc = Get-Datacenter DC1
$folder = Get-Folder -Name "~INT dc2 to dc1 clone staging" -Location $dc
$Temp = "TemplateName"
$ds = "DS Name"
$vmhost = "VM Host Name"
New-Template -Template $Temp -Name "New Template Name" -Location $folder -VMHost $vmhost -Datastore $ds -DiskStorageFormat Thin -Confirm:$false
I think it's just a redefined variable statement that will let the New-Template command know that the template needs to go to the DC1 as well as go to the Folder in DC1. Just not sure how to contruct it.