Hi Darius,
sorry, sound doesn't work. I use a Mac OS X 10.7 guest running in Fusion 5.
In the vmware.log I find an AppleHDAEngineOutput device and the sound card is available (see below).
But in System Preference "Sound", tap "Output", I find "No output device found" only.
My Mac OS X 10.7 guest is running on a MacMini. This is a Fusion 5 guest, not migrated from a previous Fusion.
The VMware "Sound Card" is "On".
But I can't get any "Sound Effect" runing.
With regards, Lutz
In general this is not a problem, indeed.
But the startup chime is helpful, sometimes.
2013-03-23T16:26:07.287+01:00| vmx| I120: DICT sound.present = TRUE
2013-03-23T16:26:07.287+01:00| vmx| I120: DICT sound.fileName = -1
2013-03-23T16:26:07.287+01:00| vmx| I120: DICT sound.autodetect = TRUE
2013-03-23T16:26:07.566+01:00| vmx| I120: [7FFF8546B000-7FFF854CC000): /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
2013-03-23T16:26:07.566+01:00| vmx| I120: [7FFF82952000-7FFF829D2000): /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework/Versions/A/CoreAudio
2013-03-23T16:26:07.566+01:00| vmx| I120: [7FFF80441000-7FFF80577000): /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/Versions/A/AudioToolbox
2013-03-23T16:26:07.566+01:00| vmx| I120: [7FFF828E5000-7FFF828E7000): /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework/Versions/A/AudioUnit
2013-03-23T16:26:07.566+01:00| vmx| I120: [7FFF81C32000-7FFF81C33000): /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/CoreServices
2013-03-23T16:26:07.648+01:00| vmx| I120: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SVGAFB : 4000 4000 | 0 0 0
2013-03-23T16:26:07.648+01:00| vmx| I120: OvhdMem OvhdUser_SVGAMEM : 512 512 | 0 0 0
2013-03-23T16:26:07.648+01:00| vmx| I120: OvhdMem OvhdUser_HDAudioReg : 3 3 | 0 0 0
2013-03-23T16:26:07.648+01:00| vmx| I120: OvhdMem OvhdUser_EHCIRegister : 1 1 | 1 1 0
2013-03-23T16:26:07.710+01:00| vcpu-0| I120: USB: Connecting device 0x4000000105ac020b
2013-03-23T16:26:07.710+01:00| vcpu-0| I120: SoundUtilMacos_ExtractAudioDeviceStr: Sound output device: AppleHDAEngineOutput:8,0,1,2:0.
2013-03-23T16:26:07.739+01:00| vcpu-0| I120: VNET: MACVNetConnectToNetwork Ethernet1: notify available
2013-03-23T16:26:07.740+01:00| vcpu-0| I120: VNET: ethernet0 enable link state propagation, lsp.state = 5