Hi everyone, I am new to this community and just completed my week long training for VP5. I am looking to build a home lab to gain further understanding for passing the VCP 5 exam. I have built a new PC that has iCore 7 CPU with 16 GIG ram, 128GB SSD and 2 TB Seagate drive.
There are several options I see to build the lab and I wanted to find out from the rest of you which is the best approach or am I over analyzing it.
First, Autolab seams to be very popular, some work around problems but very dooable.
Second, Building the Ultimate vSphere lab, http://boerlowie.wordpress.com/2011/11/30/building-the-ultimate-vsphere-lab-part-1-the-story/.
Third, Bryan Sullins Hom vSphere 5.0 Lab - step by step on how to build your home lab.
What I would like to know is:
- Advantages of one over another
- Which LAB will help me gain the necessary knowlege to assist in helping me pass VCP5 exam?
- Other sugestions or input?
I will be using these resources to help, are there any others that you would recommend?
- VMware vSphere Install, Configure, Manager course materials
- VCP5 study guide, Brian Atkinson
- The Official VCP5 Certification Guide
- VMware knowledge base and documents
- This community
I appreciate your assistance and am looking forward to this experience and helping out others as much as I can.