Hi all
I have problem with start test IE_ApacheDoc_BROWSE
use Interner Explorer 9
belowe is log from GoldenDeskotp
11:27:24 IE_ApacheDoc-Open 3054406
11:27:46 IE_ApacheDoc-Browse 2181288
11:27:46 IE_ApacheDoc-Browse 66935
ERROR: Workload was killed because it was stuck for too long. ERROR: LastOp: IE_ApacheDoc_BROWSE, numOps: 3
Can i ask you where can i find in view planner script which do this? and where is all sciprts ? and if i reconfiguration this script ?
I suspect that Apache changed the design of the site and therefore it does not work
Second problem :-) when i create my sript how can add in to in to workload on web site ?
thank you very much