Re: update free "original vmware" esxi5 to HP Customized esxi 5.1
hi! thanks for your answer ... now i feel better :-) ... I will perform the upgrade action tomorrow and give you a feedback... I assume that the "free" product key will work on the HP customized...
View ArticleRe: ESXI 5.1 NIC e1000 driver triggers PSoD with exception 14
Hi,maybe. How do I find the version of the driver I am running? If I typeethtool -i vmnic0on the CLI, then I getdriver: e1000eversion: 1.1.2-NAPIfirmware-version: 1.9-0 If 1.1.2 is the correct version...
View ArticleUnable to Import an OVF File
Hi All, first time posting have read alot of articles on ESXi. Having some issues importing an OVF file into my ESXi 5.1 server. This OVF file was generated on this server, and i've FTP'd it to...
View Article[Home server] SATA ASM1061 controller and pass-through
Hello, I am currently planning to build a small home server using ESXi to host different virtual servers (this is my first experience in this field).One of its main usage would be as a NAS, using...
View ArticleRe: ESXI 5.1 NIC e1000 driver triggers PSoD with exception 14
Update to former post. The results ofesxcli software vib listare net-e1000 VMware VMwareCertified 2013-03-15 net-e1000e...
View ArticleRe: 5.0.2 crashing
Thanks Darius, Happy to start another thread of course. Is the 5.0.2 VMware crash this thread is about supposed to be resolved by the Apple 10.8.3 update or the 5.0.3 update? 5.0.2 was a VERY good...
View ArticleRe: Server appliance bağlanılamıyor
Merhaba,Oracle db (external) olarak kullanıyorsanız, onu seçin. Ancak siz default db 'yi kullanıyorsunuz anladığım kadarıyla, bu nedenyle manuel configuration yapmayı seçip devam edebilirsiniz.PEki...
View ArticleRe: Install Error
I am getting the same error. My lab AD is called lab.local. I have created a Mirage service account lab\svc-mirage. Created a lab\mirage admins group. Added that user to that group and added that...
View ArticleRe: HP P2000 G3 FC Direct Attach?
The Qlogic 4000 (qla4xxx) family are iSCSI HBAs.Not sure why they would show on the HCL as being suitable for FC Direct Attach.
View Articlevamipanel - How can I change the Help link in VamiUI
Hi, maybe cannot be done. But when I create my vApp, there is a link to help on the top right corner that points to Now I would like to be able...
View ArticleRe: Server appliance bağlanılamıyor
server appliance ovf template dosyası elimde yok. oracle ı da denedim başaramadım bunda embedded db kısmını sıfırla tekrar oluştur gibi bir seçenek yok sanırım.
View ArticleWorkstation 9, Host Windows 8-64Bit, Guest Windows XP-32 Crash...
Not sure where to begin, but I did try a search and didn't really come across my same problem. Can someone help me with this? Perhaps a solution is already posted but I didn't find it. Host Machine is...
View ArticleRe: Login to vCenter only allow FQDN
I am pretty sure the server was added to the domain before vcenter was installed. But like I said, I didn't do the install so I can't swear to it. Just to be clear, I can log into the server just...
View Articlevirtualize Win NT 4.0 Server
Hi, does the Converter run under Windows NT 4.0 Server (SPA6a)? I want to virtualize the old system. Can anyone explain me the steps I must do? greets, Mark
View ArticleRe: 5.0.2 crashing
Hi Simon, The Mac OS X 10.8.3 update resolves the 3D graphics crashes in this thread (even though it is not mentioned in its release notes). The feedback we're hearing for this Mac OS update is...
View ArticleRe: The file specified is not a virtual disk.
Good news. The virtual machine wasn't emptied with the trash. I dragged it back into Documents, but it still gives the same error message, "The file specified is not a virtual disk." Regarding the VM...
View ArticleRe: update free "original vmware" esxi5 to HP Customized esxi 5.1
You can revert to the old installation like described in the KB article you quoted. So there is no need to rip your RAID apart. Like advised before download the HP customized ESXi 5.1 Offline Bundle...
View ArticleRe: ESXI 5.1 NIC e1000 driver triggers PSoD with exception 14
I extracted the archive, copied the vib file to the local storage of the ESXi host and installed the vib via the esxcli command. The vib was updated, but it did not change anything. The e100e driver is...
View ArticleRe: Application synchronized - nothing happens
32 bit? It´s always the same. Always syncing...
View ArticleHow many paths?
Hi All,How do I confirm that I have the correct amount of paths for iSCSI storage? For instance if I have two physical nics set up in a 1:1 ratio with the storage, using 10GB ethernet, and 4...
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