Re: How to register online lab in
Guys, we are doing pretty good with respects to adding users,,,, 24 hour wait is what we have been seeing,, always remember to check your SPAM folder for the email from "admin <at>...
View ArticleRe: blueprint and prefix
A workaround could also be use the custom property hostname and select prompt user for the value, doesn't work with requesting multiple machines.
View ArticleRe: Beware with Fusion 5 disk cleanup!!
Disk errors like that usually indicate a failing hard drive...please keep in mind, time machine doesn't backup VM's safely.
View ArticleCreating a datastore backed by an iSCSI target programmatically
Hi, I have been searching all over the place for sample code that would show me how to create a datastore that is backed by an iSCSI target programmatically. I've seen several NFS examples and talk...
View ArticleRe: Windows Server 2003 Enterprise (32bit) Show only 15 GB RAM out of 20 GB.
The consumed memory you see is the amount of memory requested by the VM so far. As soon as the VM (the guest OS) requests more memory, additional host memory pages are assigned to the VM. This behavior...
View ArticleRe: Can vCAC deploy to Azure?
Out of the box, vCAC can't deploy to Azure. vCAC doesn't have any migration type capabilities between hypervisors. I believe pulling a system out of vCAC without destroying the machine would involve...
View ArticleRe: One of my VSphere Host properties are greyed out under configuration
it may be a permission issue to the user which you use to login to the vCenter Server. Check the privileges assigned to this user.
View ArticleRe: Using VMWare Fusion 5 with VMWare Fusion Migration Agent for PC
You bet - good luck and enjoy Fusion!
View ArticleRe: Any need for 2 Update Manager databases?
drheim wrote: Hey guys, We have a 4.1 farm, a 5.0 farm, and a 5.1 farm. We are currently running Update manager on the vCenter server for the 5.0 farm. We just built a new 5.1 farm and I noticed that...
View ArticleRe: VMware 5.0.3 hanging on OSX 10.8.3 - MacBook Retina mid 2012 8GB Ram (SSD)
I'd 99% say it's the dropbox issue. Probably safer to just install the DB client in the VM itself.
View ArticleRe: Update 5.0.2 broke Shared Folders
Installing package open-vm-dkms, and letting it drag in open-vm-tools and replying yes to replace everything asked, instantly fixes the situation. These commands now work: modinfo vmhgfs mount -t...
View ArticleRe: vamipanel - How can I change the Help link in VamiUI
Hi, samdoyle. Thank you very much for your answer.Thanks to your answer I've managed to find something else I was looking for, but I'm afraid this does not help me to solve my problem. You see, what I...
View ArticleRe: Replication Recovery within single vcenter
It might be a silly questions - but you are talking about creating a Virtual Machine folder, right? The VM's name availability check is performed by the VC itself, and not VR. This means that the...
View ArticleSMARTS Integration Using Remote Collectors
I'm trying to standup VCOPS 5.0.3, using the vApp and remote collectors. I just recently finished the install of the remote collector, but now I need a way to get the SMARTS integration to work with...
View ArticleRe: Is there a current guide to enabling 3D Acceleration in Debian Guests?
Well I succeeded in installing 3D accelerated OpenGl onto a Debian base. Unfortunately as this was by nature trial and error I did not document the steps. I can however give some hints to others who...
View ArticleNot able to connect when loopback address is
When I try to connect from vSphere client, I see the below error.vSphere Client couldnot connect to "myMachine" An unknown connection error occured. (The request failed because of a connection failure....
View ArticleRe: Moving 100+ VMs between Intel and AMD Clusters
The script uses a CSV file as input.The Import-Csv cmdlet reads the file into variable $vms, then we loop through all the rows in $vms.The $vm variable represents 1 row from the CSV file in the...
View ArticleWhen unlocking a VM with dual monitors, screen shrinks into a quarter of...
It was very difficult to find the right wording for the title, so I apologize for the awkwardness of it. I have a co-worker who is working on a dual screen VM. Agent is 5.1.1, VM tools is up-to-date....
View ArticleRe: Issues with Set-OSCustomizationNicMapping
Indeed Glad you found the source of the problem
View ArticleRe: Unable to create Filesystem Error when adding a datastore
I know this is an old post, but wanted to provide an answer that fixed it for us. We have a CX3 as well and had to set failover mode to 4 for this to work properly. We had been using failover mode 1...
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