Re: Screen Capture does not work
Hi Darius. From VMware Preferences "Compatibility"Compatible with VMware Fusion 5 or higherThis option uses the newest version of the virtual hardware and should providethe best performance and newest...
View ArticleRe: VMWare Workstation Virtualization Problem
There is no option to check or uncheck which volumes to virtualize. I'm running virtualization through VMWare Workstation (like I've done before). The wizard doesn't give you the option to selec...
View ArticleThere are errors during the remediation operation
Hi If I try to update my vSphere 4.0 using Update Manager, I get this error: >>There are errors during the remediation operation<< Knows anyone howto solve it?
View ArticleCant get a VMs Powerstate
I'm trying to create a single file of several thousand VMs in all vSpheres. I'm collecting cluster, ESX host and vm details. In the code below, powerstate1 is alwasy blank and powerstate2 always...
View ArticleRe: Windows 7 x64 Converted (P2V) - Boot Fail - Standalone Converter
Had the exact same issue, with the exact same errors codes. Fixed now. Thanks Troy!
View ArticlevCenter проблема с установкой
Добрый день!не могу проинсталлировать vCenter Server на Windows Server 2008R2 rus.ДоменВыдает предупреждение 'the user name contains non-ascii characters' Думаю ладно, раз не хочет РУССКОГО...
View ArticleRe: Intermittent Guest OS issues
Hi all, sorry for the very late reply on this and thanks for your answers.We are seeing improvements on this now, thanks to answers posted here and further research
View ArticleBasic Network Help (IP allocation)
Hi All, This is more than likely a very easy to answer question for most of you but I have a question around best practices and how-tos in terms of IP address allocation to Virtual MachinesI have done...
View ArticleRe: Cant get a VMs Powerstate
The VirtualMachine object that is returned by 'Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine' doesn't have a PowerState property.In PowerState2 you get the correct propert ($vm.Runtime.PowerState). But shouldn't...
View ArticleRe: Clone virtual machine
Hi Bala,You could use Virtual Machine Template. Here comes a link with a little tutorial
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1 Architecture
Hi,You should take a look this VMware whitepaper. Here is the link:
View ArticleRe: Cant get a VMs Powerstate
Hi LucD, I've read may of your post as I'm trying to come up to speed with vsphere and powercli. The reference to vmhostinfo is just a bad cut/paste putting together this post. I've got 2800 VMs and...
View ArticleRe: Application synchronized - nothing happens
Hae you heard if this is planned? VMware markets this as "anywhere applications" which is very misleading...It's also very confusing to tell users yes you can see the app if you install the agent, but...
View ArticleRe: Mouse VERY sluggish on Workstation 9
The log file contains a lot of timeouts for the floppy drive, entries about automatic Tools Updates as well as automatic snapshots. Please check the VMs settings and disable "Connect at power on" for...
View ArticleRe: Mouse VERY sluggish on Workstation 9
I did as you suggested for the VM Ware tools update and the floppy drive. The snapshots I live and die by, since I am using the VM to test installs of my software. All seems to be running well now,...
View ArticleRe: 2012 AD DS - View Composer / Connection Broker compatibility
VMware View 5.2 does support Active Directory 2003 + 2008 as of the Administrator Guide:...
View ArticleRe: Cant get a VMs Powerstate
Just noticed that you use the Property parameter on the Get-View for the VMs, you will have to add the Runtime.PowerState property.
View ArticleExtend time out values for deployments and undeployments for LM 4.0.4
We've been running into issues with configurations not deploying due to time out issues, primarily caused by how long the ESX servers take to create a new virtual switch and then port group. We're...
View ArticleRe: VMwareTools-8.8.4-730257 on Linux 3.6.1-1.fc17.x86_64 compile errors
Hi, I tried to apply the patch (130307_vmhgfs) for (VMwareTools-9.2.3-1031360 and Kali guest OS, kernel 3.7) and it raises several errors:patching file vmhgfs-only/dentry.cHunk #1 FAILED at 36.Hunk #2...
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