Re: VM migration from ESX to ESXi
No error is dispalyed. When i try to move a machine using converter. Source machine is ESX and target machie is ESXi. After entering the target machine details the converter hangs.
View Article[Solved]Increased RAM doesnot reftect inGuest OS
Hi , I have increased RAM to 8GB to a VM, But the same doesnt reflect when i login to the Linux OS and check .Inside the OS it still shows total memory as 3GB, where as the total memopry should be 8GB...
View ArticleRe: version 2013_01_11_0 not work
i found problem is vms_list new version/vmfs/volumes/50c1f60a-44220c15-cfcb-000c29cea4f5 # /bin/vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms | sed 's/[[:blank:]]\{3,\}/ /g' | fgrep "[" | fgrep "vmx-" | fgrep ".vmx"| fgrep...
View ArticleRe: Изоляция трафика iscsi
>> Необходимо, исключить влияние трафика ISCSI на взаимодействие между машинами и пользователями! машинами и машинами! Исключайте! Если серьезно, я вам в личку написал свой скайп. Пишите...
View ArticleInstall Vmware View Client - Ubuntu Linaro (ARM)
hello everyone,I've been trying to install Vmware View Client to a Linaro (ARM) O.S. with no results... is there an ARM release of the Vmware View Client or any way of getting it to work in this...
View ArticleVMware workstation 7.1 on virtual machine
Hi, For testing purpose I'm using ESX5.0 on which i have different VMs. On one of the VM having OS win2k8R2 I have installled workstaion 7.1. I have done the required setting for nested virtualization...
View ArticleRe: Input issues when multiple VMs are running
Well it looks like not having tools installed in one of the guests is the problem. I have a FreeNas VM that is running all the time and I never installed the tools. If that is powered down and two...
View ArticleiPhone PowerCLI app/editor
So I've seen a couple powershell apps, what Im looking for really is just a viewer for my iphone... Maybe I dont need an app, more so just a way to open the .ps1 files in a readable format? Figured I'd...
View ArticleRe: Clone process interrupted when ESXi lost communication with vCenter
Is by any chance, the powercli is connected to a VC which is in the cluster of ESXi servers which you are working on? or is the powercli a VM in one of the ESXi hosts which are being worked on?
View ArticleRe: Does anyone have a hyper-v to VMware migration plan he or she can give me?
You have to define your migration window.VM format is not the same and you have to convert it.So it will need time and space. Of course you can migrate not all at the same time, but at VM groups.
View ArticleRe: 5.0 to 5.1 SQL Question
From vSphere 5.1 Release notes"Insufficient privileges error occurs when you use manually created DB2 database users When you install vCenter Single Sign On and the installer requests Single Sign On...
View ArticleRe: Cannot create vm on esx 4.1
Hi. first i want to mention that all works ok with ESXi 5. The hosts i have created them myself.The CPU is AMD FX 6100 A storage i have iSCSI with starwind, raid 10, 4x750 GB disks, sata III, 7200...
View ArticleRe: Add-dvSwHost Function - Specify Uplink Name
The UplinkPortgroupKey is not a problem, I find that one like this$uplinkPg = Get-View $dvSwitch.Config.UplinkPortgroup$pnicSpec.uplinkPortgroupKey = $uplinkPg.Config.KeySince you have multiple uplink...
View ArticleRe: MS Hyper V and VMWare vSphere 5.1
You will found several comparisons, but all are almost biased by the point of view.Comparing Hyper-V3 with vSphere 5.1 at features level isn't so interesting... are quite similar.Comparing on the...
View ArticleRe: Assistance required running PowerCLI cmdlets from vCO
Did you try invoking the Power shell script outside the vco as normal powershell script? >> "You are not currently connected to any servers. Please connect first using a Connect cmdlet"This error...
View ArticleRe: LAB :(
IMHO, consider also a self virtual enviroment, for example with Autolab.
View ArticleRe: Add-dvSwHost Function - Specify Uplink Name
The modified function I listed above worked for me. I specified the port group key as the $uplinkkey variable and it joined it to the correct uplink. Do you still want me to grab the Onyx capture?
View ArticleRe: Assign MAC of physical server to virtual server
No it is not in the VMX file, however depending on the operating system you may be able to set it in there in NIC properties if a Windows OS. that said, this would be unlikely to satisfy a MAC based...
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