Hi all, I have a question about seting up the vCloud Director 5.1 appliance.
Here is the deal, I want to set it up for people to try it out, but I have limited resources. Can I set it up on a single system without shared storage, or does it need to connect to a minimum of two hypervisors?
I wanted to use the following:
vCloud Director 5.1 appliance
vCenter appliance
vShield Manager
CentOS VM as a bind / DNS server
ESXi 5.1 (the above VM's on this ESXi)
All using the local storage on the hypervisor to allow this to work.
I do have a second hypervisor I could put to use, but I was going to try and avoid that, as then I'd have to setup Windows withe vCenter and the VSA as far as I know as a way to allow it to have shared storage. Maybe not too much of a hassle, but if I can simply setup a one node evaluation (mostly for interface access, I know it's limiting the fuctionality) that would be great if it works.
Any information would be much appreciated!