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VXLAN cluster preparation issue


Guys I have successfully deployed  vCloud Director 5.1 along with the vShield Manager and have deployed a  few vApps and VCDNI networks etc...  All seems to be OK there.


The  issue I'm having is I want to test VXLAN.  When I go to prepare a  cluster, I see a new portgroup appear on the DVswitch  "vxw-vmknicPg-dvs.....blah" however no vmkernel port is created on the  port group.  From what I've read, a vmk port should be created and its  on this interface that DHCP waits for an address.  I'm unable to  manually create a vmk port on the newly created VXLAN port group as I  get the following error message:


  • Call  "HostNetworkSystem.AddVirtualNic" for object "networkSystem-1944" on  vCenter Server "PVPVC01P201.poc.pvp.lon5.telecity.net" failed.
    Operation  failed, diagnostics report: Sysinfo error on operation returned status :  Would block. Please see the VMkernel log for detailed error information


In  the end I need to unprepare the cluster to remove the portgroup.  I  have rebooted the hosts, vSM and vCenter.  This has made no difference.



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