well I am back here complain about another backup product that just seems to cause more problems than anything else
So this is more of a warning than anything else
I have several machine that were being backuped up by VDP. seems like this morning somethign went wrong the only indicator was the removal of the snapshot failed...
So I tired to manually create a snapshot. failed - invalid config ... well called vmware support.
This is what was on disk in the datastore
vmdk snap 01 << this is the one that VC was seeing
vmdk snap 02 << this is the last one and the one in the vmx
support suggest to shutdown the VM. this was fun
the vmx then pointed to vmdk snap01. so they did a manual change to vmdk snap 02 ... invalid config. restore the old vmx, invalid config ....
so create a new vm, vmktools cloned the vmd snap 2 from the old vm to the new vm location..... started up, fixed up the network cards ! (new mac grrr).
We tried a few things to get the original vmx to work, we couldn't... 4 hours later and 2 vm's fixed .. this is when i noticed VDP had corrupted 8 other VM's same issues, can't modify, vmotion or snap ..... so I have to organise some down time (some are secondary production VM's)
The one good thing is that the VM seems to be okay, whilst it is still running ... so I have some time up my sleave... but no backups until I get this fixed.
there a lots of expletives i could say here. I will leave that up to the imagaination of the reader.