Re: vCenter Server に関する SQL Server よろず相談室
criverさん、こんばんは。 すいません、連絡が遅れてしまいまして。あと、いつの間にやら件名が変わってますね。 確認頂きたかった中の1つである 以下の 『その3』 の トランザクションログファイル に対して 拡張制限 がかかっていて、結果として 更新情報を それ以上 データベースへ コミットできる トランザクションログ ファイルサイズ の状態になっていないことを指しています。...
View ArticleRe: HP Smart Array P420i warning
Hi, same here with a fresh installation of a gen8 Server. Newest driver and firmware is installed.Frank
View ArticleRe: Server 2012 doesn't reboot
OK - I may hold of and try to uypgrade the host rather than just the VMTools Thanks for your help, I'll let you know how it goes
View ArticleAnother whinge about VDP
Hi well I am back here complain about another backup product that just seems to cause more problems than anything else So this is more of a warning than anything else I have several machine that were...
View ArticleRe: how can i download vmware horizon suite
Horizon Suite is not yet available for download but will be soon. // Linjo
View ArticlePowerCLI One-Liner for CPU Usage
Hi All, I'm currently looking at producing a CPU and Memory usage / capacity report for our estate running vSphere 4.0. I'm new to PowerCLI but can see great potential in automating some of our tasks...
View ArticleRe: PowerCLI One-Liner for CPU Usage
I suspect your confusion comes from the fact that the vSphere client shows the Average, Minimum and Maximum over the past month for the cpu.usage.average counter. Besides that there also exist...
View ArticleRe: vCops Licensing missunderstanding
Looks like the enterprise key with 10100 licenses are working, we can see 87 VMs are license with this Key.whats the exact error you are getting while applying this key?
View ArticleRe: Will I able to run ESXi 5 VM on ESX4.1 Host
**********************************************Answer for my Refercene************************************************** Steps to Degrate VM Hardware version 8 to 7 and ship it to remote...
View ArticleSteps to Degrate VM Hardware version 8 to 7 and ship it to remote location...
Dear Team, We have one VM which runs on ESXi 5 host, i just want to know will I able to run the same on ESX4.1 Host. in other words i want to say, will i able to run vm version 8 vm on ESX4.1 if i...
View ArticleOnly one host in cluster added LUN
Hello,As part of a datacenter migration we are using EMC SANcopy to copy LUNS from Site A to Site B. It appears to go well and when the LUN gets to Site B it is presented to the cluster and host1 adds...
View ArticleПадение производительности дисковой подсистемы
Ситуация следующая есть сервер Supermicro X7DW3 Raid контроллер adaptec 5805 8 винтов sata 1TB Vendor : HitachiModel : HUA722010CLA330Firmware...
View ArticleVDP sends emails every day though it shouldn't
Hi, If I configure VDP to send backup reports once a week it will still send reports every day. Can this be changed from somewhere, even from command line.
View ArticleRe: Падение производительности дисковой подсистемы
Периодически подтупливает LUN с контроллера. Причин может быть множество. Драйвера контроллера другие, сам контроллер глючит, диски глючат. Изменилось расположение и объем данных. Одним словом, я не...
View ArticleRe: CPU Latency
interesting topic. Can you probably compare %wait as well?since the 3 CPU states are running, ready, waiting. Probably the latency is %wait + %ready. It's just an asumption. I will try to check this...
View ArticleAppliance update fails because of 404 error got from server
While we are triggering appliance upgrade using vami's update service, its sometimes noticed that VAMI update job fails when it gets404 error while trying to download the packages. Reference...
View ArticleRe: Network connection broken on resume from suspend after ugrade to Player 5.0
I had a similar problem. Networking broken after resume, and continued to be broken after restarting both *host* and guest, and reconfiguring VMWare Tools :-( I eventually got it working by manually...
View ArticleReporting - Unable to select data pipeline
Hi All, I'm using version V9.0.10 I'm trying to add a chart to a report I'm writing and could not get the data pipeline option in the data source tab when editing the series. I've even got the report...
View ArticleNFS Performance Dies
We've got a wierd issue recently whereby both our hosts seem to have completely lost their NFS performance - it literally falls off a cliff after a few hundred KB is transferred. We're using QLogic...
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