The below issue could be duplicated in VM. But this issue is about signed name. If there are any suggestion or solution, this is very very appreciated.
There is a windows service exe (vc6 code) which will call some COM interface (.net code, signed name dll file).
Scenario 1:
1) The network connection of the virtual machine settings is Host-only.
2) The COM dll is signed name file.
It costs lots of time (more than 1minitues) to create com instance.
Scenario 2:
1) The network connection of the virtual machine settings is Host-only.
2) The COM dll is un-signed name file.
It costs less than 1 second to create com instance.
Scenario 3:
1) The network connection of the virtual machine settings is Bridged. And the host computer had never had access to Internet.
2) The COM dll is signed name or un-signed name.
It costs less than 1 second to create com instance.
What's the relationship between network connection setting and signed name?
Thanks Very Much!