I know this should be simpler but I just don't know the syntax to retrieve specific keys and subkey entries. My hope is to display the information within the hash tables to a table or any other format needed.
here is the current snippet.
$Disk = @{}
ForEach ($vSCSIController in ($vmView.Config.Hardware.Device | Where {$_.DeviceInfo.Label -match "SCSI Controller"})){ #'Unit Number: ' + $vSCSIController | %{$_.UnitNumber} ForEach ($vDiskDevice in ($vmView.Config.Hardware.Device | Where {$_.ControllerKey -eq $vSCSIController.Key})) { $Label = $vDiskDevice.DeviceInfo | %{$_.Label} [string]$BusNum = $vSCSIController | %{$_.BusNumber} [string]$DiskDev = $vDiskDevice | %{$_.UnitNumber} [string]$SCSIid = $BusNum + ":" + $DiskDev $HD = Get-VM $VM | get-harddisk | where {$_.Name -eq $Label} $ID = @{ "Label" = $Label "CapGB" = [System.Math]::Round($HD.CapacityKB / 1MB, 2) "Filename" = $HD.Filename "StorageFormat" = $HD.StorageFormat "ScsiID" = $SCSIID } $Disk.Add([string]($HD.Name),$ID) } }
#"Disk Name" + "`t" + "SCSI Bus" + "`t" + "Capacity in GB" + "`t" + "Filename" + "`t" + "StorageFormat"
The $Disk.Keys is where I am needing the help. How would I display all values if Label is "Hard Disk 10"? and in the order listed near the end of the snippet?