Re: Problem changing vSwitch MTU
Yes, at least that's how it worked for me with the latest installations with iSCSI storage, independent of the ESXi version. André
View ArticleRe: The VMware Authorization Service is not running, error -44
Have you attempted to follow any of the VMware KB Articles containing this error? Like the following... Determining the status of VMware host services (1003850) Powering on a virtual machine fails...
View Article[JIRA] (HHQ-5763) Customer unable to create new Super User roles
Edward Gonzales created HHQ-5763:- Summary: Customer unable to create new Super User roles Key: HHQ-5763 URL:
View ArticleRe: vCenter Server Service dies when adding host
the vCenter Logs are located in %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\Logs\. (ref
View ArticleHow do we pull and report other metrics from vCenter
We need to pull some metrics from vCenter other than what vCenter Performance Manager provides. Is there an API allowing us to extend the current vCOPS 5.6 vCenter adapter? Should we build a...
View ArticleRetrieving information from an embedded hash table
I know this should be simpler but I just don't know the syntax to retrieve specific keys and subkey entries. My hope is to display the information within the hash tables to a table or any other format...
View ArticleRe: VM Player & Windows 8
Likewise, I'e just installed all the available Win 8 updates and then run the XP VM, sound is still distorted on mine. VMAFT has done the trick for me, it's a 'bodge' if you like, but it does work. The...
View ArticleSRM version requirements
I'm trying to find information regarding the version requirements for SRM to pair between two sites. We currently have two sites that are running vCenter/ESXi 5.0. We are planning a migration from our...
View ArticleRe: Remove a NIC from multiple vCloud VMs
Thanks Christophe, I am currently testing this and will let you know how it goes. Your input is very much appreciated.
View ArticleRe: script to check SRM health
Not sure if this will bring what you are looking for, but we included a Get-SRMPlanStatus function in the PowerCLI Reference.The code can be found here. The SRM functions you find there show a way to...
View ArticleRe: Uneven placement of images with local SSD storage
Hadn't seen your other comment about 300 sized pool. I agree that I wouldn't call 300 vm pool small, but would like to know what you meant by "chaotic". Was it as unbalanced as a 80 vm pool? Also do...
View ArticleRe: Best way to handle checking for host accessible after reboot
Greetings Carlos, you certainly came to the correct place for this question vCO is great for this kind of thing.. I had to play around a little before I got something that looked like what you are...
View ArticleRe: Getting boot log error while installing win 2008 64bit in the nested vm's
Hey, I install win2003 32 bit and linux 64 bit vesion its working fine only Win versions 64bit doesn't support. I usually use vmware workstation 8 while installing the new virtaul machine asking...
View ArticleRe: Retrieving information from an embedded hash table
Try something like this $hd=$disk.GetEnumerator() |where {$_.Value.Label-eq"Hard disk 10"} |Select-ExpandPropertyValue Via $hd you can now access the properties.$hd.Label / $hd.CapGB / ...
View ArticleHorizon View 5.2 compatibility, upgrade, convert Linked Clones to persistent?
I checked the compatibility matrix and it says that 5.2 will run on vSphere/vCenter 5.0. Any caveats? To simplify my upgrade from 5.01 to 5.2, could I install the 5.2 environment on the existing...
View ArticleHow to connect Wmware to SAN
Hi,I have configured SAN with RAID 10 and 3 volumes of 1 TB each. i have 3 Dell server which i want to connect to SAN. i have Dell SAN and dell powerConnect switch. To connect my EXi machine to SAN, do...
View ArticleWindows 8 pool with Quickprep breaks modern UI apps
Just to share my experience on creating Windows 8 pool using the new Horizon View 5.2: I created a Windows 8 VM with VMware Tools and View Agent 5.2 installed, with most of the optimization steps...
View ArticleMS Office 2010 won't start
I have a new Fusion 5 install on a Macbook Pro that I created the virtual machine from the boot camp partion ( Windows 7). When I am running Fusion, none of the Office 2010 programs will run. If I...
View ArticleIssue installing View Agent
I am having trouble installing the view Agent on a VM. I receive an error message - "Failed to obtain critical security information from LDAP at" %server% "it is possible that the specified server is...
View ArticleRe: Issue installing View Agent
Have you checked DNS to make sure that the IP is resolving to the correct server? Do you have a loadbalancer that could be directing the request to a different older server?
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