Hi all,
I have a script to backup all DRS-Rules in current vCenter and to import it into new vCenter for migration, but have few VMs to Host rules "Run VMs on Hosts" type. So I found that there is a way around to create such a Rule by creating VM groups and Host groups and then the rule. But I can't find how to get the already existing groups in old vCenter and import it in the new vCenter. This is what I am using for Import and export of VMAffinityType rules -
Export -
if(Test-Path -Path $outfile){Remove-Item $outfile}get-datacenter | %{$dcName = $_.Name$_ | Get-Cluster | %{$clusterName = $_.Name$rules = $_ | Get-DrsRuleif($rules){foreach($rule in $rules){$line = $dcName + "," + $clusterName$line += ("," + $rule.Name + "," + $rule.Enabled + "," + $rule.KeepTogether)foreach($vmId in $rule.VMIds){$line += ("," + (Get-View -Id $vmId).Name)}$line | Out-File -Append $outfile}}}}
Import -
$rules = Get-Content $outfile
foreach($rule in $rules){
$ruleArr = $rule.Split(",")
if($ruleArr[3] -eq "True"){$rEnabled = $true} else {$rEnabled = $false}
if($ruleArr[4] -eq "True"){$rTogether = $true} else {$rTogether = $false}
Get-Datacenter $ruleArr[0] | Get-Cluster $ruleArr[1] | `
New-DrsRule -Name $ruleArr[2] -Enabled $rEnabled -KeepTogether $rTogether -VM (Get-VM -Name ($ruleArr[5..($ruleArr.Count - 1)]))
These are LUCD's scripts !!
Can anyone suggest a good way to integrate what I am looking for into these??
Attaching some screens showing my current Rules