Re: IE8 Thinapp crashing with IE 10 installed natively
Thanks for chiming in, everyone. I'm glad it's not just me. This isn't a huge problem just yet in my case as we're blocking IE 10 installs but that's only a short-term resolution.
View ArticleRe: Help needed - vSphere HA unsuccessfully failed over VM
Was there ever a resolution to this? I'm having the same issue.
View ArticleRe: PowerCLI script - New VM from template
So would piping a follow-up Move-Item command be feasible or would it not work well following up the New-Template command since it is a CloneVM_task?
View ArticleRe: vCenter Heartbeat failover not starting applications
Hello and welcome to the communities. Note: Discussion successfully moved from VMware vCenter™ to VMware vCenter™ Server Heartbeat™
View ArticleRe: Storage Questions for Vmotion
I"m confused, I didn't say anything about how many NIC's. I would assume I would want a NIC on each host just for VMotion. I could have those connected to a gigabit switch that my additional Bufallo...
View ArticleRe: VMWare LAB
The VMTN subscription was great. For $299 a year you got to use almost all products in a lab environment. The problem I always have with evaluations is having time to do the eval. It amy be a couple...
View ArticleDual Monitor Expected Performance
I'm currently running 50 Windows 7 VMware View Clients that are all linked clones of a single image. I have two ESX Hosts and everything is running ok and at about 80% utilization. VMware View 4.0...
View ArticleRe: EMC Clariion CX3 not supported in 5.1, but will it work?
All righty. Thanks, guys. Much what I expected. I'll give it a shot when the time comes and see what happens. I'll update this post with results, but it could be a few months.
View ArticleRe: Just completed the VCP 5.1 (VCP) bootcamp-now im at home and want to learn
Ok so i will start with what you suggested by first creating the 2 VM's but what do you suggest for OS on those VM's or can i just set them with blank OS's. Also now knowing that the workstation allows...
View ArticleRe: PowerCLI script - New VM from template
The Move-Item cmdlet will not vMotion the template. In fact Move-Item is not a PowerCLI cmdlet but a native PowerShell cmdlet. And the Move-Template cmdlet will not vMotion the template across...
View ArticleRe: Installing ESXi 5.1, no network adapter
The image you downloaded probably didn't have the network driver included. The easiest solution would be to get the ESXi 5.1 OEM iso from Dell, if they offer one. The other option would be to...
View ArticleRedirect stdout on first boot
Hi, I'm building an appliance with vmware studio 2.6. The appliance is based on ubuntu 10.04 (I would like to build it on 12.04, but there is no template that works as far as I know). The problem I'm...
View ArticleRe: Clone or Template VM only boots PXE
Here’s what I found, it may help someone else out there. This is for VSphere 5.1 1. If I try to clone a machine that is not running, the cloned machine will never boot and try to boot from PXE, it then...
View ArticleRe: vCenter Heartbeat failover not starting applications
Hi, did you check the logfiles for your vCenter Server?You could find them here. Frank
View ArticleRe: Heat Map in Custom UI??
Hi Venkat_A check out this document it might answer your question?
View ArticleRe: VMware 5.0.3 hanging on OSX 10.8.3 - MacBook Retina mid 2012 8GB Ram (SSD)
I removed the vmware toolsI uninstall VMware 5.0.3 by sending it to the trashI re-installated VMWare 5.0.1start my Windows 7 machine , install the toolsI reboot the VMI shutdown the VMI installed...
View ArticleDowngrade License from Ent Plus to Std
I can't seem to find an answer to this, or what I did find didn't seem to apply. I have a vCenter server 5.1 with all my hosts running ESXi 5.0. I realized I had licensed two hosts with Enterprise Plus...
View ArticleDRS-Backup Script
Hi all, I have a script to backup all DRS-Rules in current vCenter and to import it into new vCenter for migration, but have few VMs to Host rules "Run VMs on Hosts" type. So I found that there is a...
View ArticleRe: vCOPS 5.6 Sizing Calculator
Hi gradinka, thanks for your question. Matter of fact this caluculator is the result of my research I did the last weeks. I was kind a sad about not getting something like this for free to download. I...
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