I keep getting the error message "The virtual machine is not powered on" for a virtual machine that i believe IS POWERED ON. At least it was when I last walked away from my desk. Some elaboration...
I did not at any point suspend the virtual machine. When I try to click into the virtual machine I am unable - I am left with the "gloved hand" pointer. The suspend (pause icon) button is enabled. However, I am unable to unsuspend the virtual machine - instead i receive the "... not powered on error". Trying to go into the Virtual Machine drop down menu and selecting Restart, Suspend, Shut Down / Force Shut Down all produce the "... not powered on error". I am unable to quit Fusion altogether, again receiving the "... not powered on error".
Can someone please help? (I apologize for my clearly non-technical explanation of my issue)
Thanks Much,
fusion 5.0.2 (900591)
virtual machine is windows 7 with latest patches (i think, obviously can't verify right now)