Vm Workstation 9 - Help remove network functionality
Hi All, I have a requirement to restrict network access from Vm workstation. I had previously posted about the install parameters that according to the tech documentation allowed this, however a...
View ArticleCan Full Screen multiple monitors not be locked to a space?
Hello, I am running 5.0.3 on my MBP and have 2 external monitors attached. My Win8 x64 VM see all the monitors however the only way it does is if I go "Full Screen" and "Use All Displays in Full...
View ArticleRe: mem capacity.usage counter gone as of vSphere 5.0U2?
As support request 13269194501 nears its 10-week anniversary...sounds like Stat Level 4 might revive the capacity.usage counter. I'm waiting to hear back about the relevant difference between the...
View ArticleInconsistent State? - Keep getting "The virtual machine is not powered on"...
I keep getting the error message "The virtual machine is not powered on" for a virtual machine that i believe IS POWERED ON. At least it was when I last walked away from my desk. Some elaboration......
View ArticleRe: vCenter Converter 5.01 - Slow migration
What are you use vcenter version?Update? Can you check performance monitor?Can you write latency values?
View ArticleRe: Windows 98 Image
What I have figured out is that as long as I do not allow windows to install the driver for Intel "82371AB/EB PCI Bus Master IDE Controller" the system will boot. If I allow it to install this driver,...
View ArticleRe: URGENT - repeated ESX crashes
This is almost certainly a function of the hardware, so your three questions will have an IBM answer. Generally, you couldn't expect that a physically powered off server will automatically power itself...
View ArticleSite Recovery Manager y Data Protection
Hola Buen dia, tengo esta consulta Puedo utilizar Data Protection si estoy usando Site Recovery manager? hay algun problemas de compativilidad?
View ArticleRe: VCP510 paased
Thank you all, I just felt so relief after 1 week of training and 7 weeks of studying and lab,,, looking forward to 10% pay increase from the manager,,,then time to PARTAY...
View ArticleRe: Foreach element with workflow that returns an array
So you use for each to get all the snapshots of all the VMs and you are willing to aggregate the arrays of the output ?I do not think you can do such a binding for the output. What you can do is to...
View ArticleRe: Site Recovery Manager y Data Protection
Hola que tal! No debieras tener ningun problema de compatibilidad, son productos independientes entre si. Con SRM normalmente vas a estar replicando las LUNs de un Storage a otro. Por otro lado tienes...
View ArticleVM Inaccessible
After RAID was rebuilt (lost 2 disks) we are experiencing issues with seeing some of the VMs in the vCenter console. Two out of 5 show up. Wondering if there is a way to recover the other ones. I can...
View ArticleRe: Workstation 9 hangs when starting a shared VM
Anybody with any kind of helpful hints out there? I found another thread where the solution was deinstalling some Microsoft component that would interfere with VM Workstation's sharing service. Right...
View ArticleRe: Lock network source to a VM?
Yes that may work in some cases but not all depending on the version of OS X and VMware Fusion. The following is a little off point since it more about WiFi... Also depending on whether or not one is...
View ArticleRe: VM Inaccessible
I can log into the VMs that are missing from vCenter console ...How can you login into missing VMs? Can you please explain this and/or provide some more details?What RAID level do you use? André
View ArticleRe: Site Recovery Manager y Data Protection
Estoy usando el SRM con replicacion con la Appliance, no de Storage a Storage 2013/3/21 Patricio Cerda <communities-emailer@vmware.com<mailto:communities-emailer@vmware.com>> VMware...
View ArticleRe: Site Recovery Manager y Data Protection
Hola ! , Son productos independientes no debes tener ningún inconveniente. From: miguelf66 <communities-emailer@vmware.com>To: Daniel Quintero <dquintero@redsis.com>,Date:...
View ArticleRe: EMC Requirements
How is the multi-path managed via the fiber on the Vsphere host is powerpath is not installed??
View ArticleHow vClient resolves host name?
I am using windows server 2003 I am trying to connect to the host (same machine as client) through vSphere and I have the below entry in host file mydomain But, vClient doesn't seem to honour...
View ArticleRe: vSphere Client & Multiple vCenter Servers
When I attempt to run the installer, I get "An earlier version of VMware vSphere Update Manager is already installed on this system. Click OK to upgrade". It would appear that you can't have two (2)...
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