I tried the same procedure on a 2008R2 Server and it will not convert. to ESXi Appears that ESXi thinks the disk is corrupt event though Workstation 9 has no problems or issues with the same vmdk file.
This is a huge dissapointment as I was planning on moving away from workstation 9 and into ESXi 5.1
Vmware needs to address this problem as P2V conversions are something I think many large labs like mine would like to use. I tried the new Vmconverter beta version but it was more or less DOA. Is anyone at VMware looking at this area?
For now I will have to hold up on future purchases untill this has either been resolved or someone can tell me how to reliable do P2V conversions on Windows XP SP3, Windows 7 SP1, Server 2003 R2 seemed to work and Server 2008 R2 no luck.
I am testing XP SP3 now and kind of suspect it might work. Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 will probably be the problem areas.