Re: Powercli to set ESXi free license
Hi all, Think I got it : $LicenseManagerView = Get-View -Id "LicenseManager-ha-license-manager"$LicenseManagerView.UpdateLicense($Lic,$null) I'll test on a fresh install cause I've tested so many times...
View ArticleRe: 20 seconds black screen
Its usually related to DNS so make sure that is configured properly.Could you post the log from the client? // Linjo
View ArticleRe: Installation
I have used the beta version on the same environment and got similar problems. I did some reinstallations and after a few tries the installation completed successfully. I will check the DNS records...
View ArticleRe: Installing vCloud Agent without Maintenance Mode Check that link, it think it pretty much summons the process.
View ArticleRe: Installing vCloud Agent without Maintenance Mode
Hi, thanks for the link but I don't see how it could help me. The author describes the manual installation of vCloud Agent and that is exactly what I did. He doesn't talk about howto actually get vCD...
View ArticleRe: Workstation not recognising reserved RAM
Yes, that all works fine, and is what I've had to do up to now. I tried setting the Windows registry entries for PreFetch and SuperFetch, but that didn't seem to help. I also tried creating a...
View ArticleRe: Installing vCloud Agent without Maintenance Mode
Sorry. I believe the host should turn up as prepared without interference..
View ArticleRe: vSphere 5.1 Update Manager - esxi-5.1 only Dynamic baselines?
That does seem kludgy, and I think I'll leave it alone. We're trying to reduce the number of VMs we have to run to support the environment (currently on 2), so adding another one to run UMDS sounds...
View ArticleHow to test VXLAN
Hi all, I have read RFCs for VXLAN and now would like to do a real-world testing. But I don't know which product from VMware implement VXLAN. Could you please let me know which product or products...
View ArticleRe: vSphere 5.1 Update Manager - esxi-5.1 only Dynamic baselines?
Thanks for the information. I'll try it with "VMware"/"Any" for now and see how it goes. It seems incredible that VMware won't allow us to select only those patches that are relevant automatically....
View ArticleGet IP on VM on Deploy
We're using IP Pools for IP assignment, but we want to track the assignments, what org is using what IP etc, to integrate with external systems. Is there any good way to do that? I was thinking about...
View ArticleHorizon Workspace Issues
Hello, I am currently in a process of installing the Horizon Workspace.After installing all the 5 VM's the next step is to configure the "CONFIGURATOR-VA" The application is failing on Reverse DNS,...
View ArticleRe: Problema con Server SBS 2008 virtualizzato e HD WD Usb
Ciao Luca, ti ringrazio per la risposta e mi scuso se non ho trovato un altro thread ma sono nuovo nella community e vista l'urgenza ho agito d'istinto. Ti confermo che la partizione è NTFS.. ho letto...
View ArticleRe: NFS Datastore timing out
I ended up creating a dedicated FreeNAS data server. I found that windows only works for small files and doesn't really work well with Esxi at all. No amount of fiddling made a difference. I recommend...
View ArticleRe: Can't Migrate VM
have you tried doing an advance svmotion i.e. moving all the files to different datastore except the one in question
View ArticleRe: Create VM using PowerCLI and csv file
Thanks LucD its working, i can able to install, is thare any option to run a script os command's after installation. Regards,Mohan.
View ArticleRe: "Invalid Indicator"&"_tile_count: 0" - how to fix?
no good.the output files are still in y/m/d/24hrs format. now even cygwin is outputing in us style....
View ArticleRe: Problema con Server SBS 2008 virtualizzato e HD WD Usb
Se è un uso sporadico, sinceramente la cosa più veloce è connetterlo a un computer fisico e condividerlo via lan.Se è un uso permanente, meglio passare a un NAS o almeno a un hard disk condivisibile...
View Articlevmxnet drivers for mac os x?
Is there a driver for vmxnet(3) for Mac OS X?I'd like to use higher performance than the standard E1000 delivers. The hosts (Cluster of 12Core Mac Pros) have Dual-10GB-Ethernet-Cards, but no...
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