vmware view и power cli
Всем доброго времени суток. Требуется помощь по power cli для vmware view.Вопрос 1. Не могу найти power cli для view. Для vSphere - пожалуйста, но этим коннектором не могу подцепить сервер view...
View ArticleRe: Migration of vCenter from VM to physical
Hi Thanks for your quick response - i clicked the wrong button, clicked helpful answer instead of correct :-) CheersKerms
View ArticleSQL Server update for Vcenter 5.1
We were using SQL Server 2005 Express with VCenter 4.1 u2 on Windows 2008 R2 64 bit physical machine.Lately we upgraded it to VCenter 5.1 on virtual machine. The database remained still SQL Server 2005...
View ArticleRe: Debian VM Disk Full, how do I expand
welcome to communities!! I have upgraded them VM using VSphere to a disk of 200GB i hope by this you meant that the vmdk (virtual hard disk) size is increased to 200Gb. If so , we have to do changes...
View ArticleRe: Can´t upgrade from ESXi 4.0 -> 4.1
glad to know that issue is resolved. FYI, the error " product must be a known product type: esx or embeddedEsx or VIMA" usually displays when the given target is a non ESX/ESXi or VMA.OR when the...
View ArticleRe: Cannot open Vm's console gives "unable to connect to mks internal error"?
Storage connectivity is fine and able to browse the datastore
View ArticleDo we support SSO for vCloud Director login
As similar to VC, do we support SSO for vCloud Director login.What are the steps to perform
View ArticleRe: Migration of vCenter from VM to physical
its alright. Feel free to ping back if you need a help.
View ArticleRe: Roles in vFabric Hyperic EE - Alert Windows and Holidays
You can use the Schedule Downtime feature to deactivate alerts during the holidays -...
View ArticleRe: Error during storage provider registration
I’ve already try from vcenter server with the same result. At the moment we are waiting for the new hp storeserv v7200, I’ll try to register the vasa provider from this array and post the...
View ArticleGet-VMGuestNetworkInterface Multiple IPs
Hi I have been enumerating VM network settings using Get-VMGuestNetworkInterface and have noticed that if a NIC has more than one ip assigned to it only the first one is returned. Is there anything I...
View ArticleRe: SQL Server update for Vcenter 5.1
VMware recommends SQL express for an environment with 5 Hosts and 50 VMs. But it may run without any issues if the configuration changes and performance statistic collected are less. I would recommend...
View ArticleRe: vcenter5.1 and NIS domain
Hi Krishna, i am not asking about the SSO....i am asking about vCenter. and SSO is only used when you will use vsphere web client not when you will use vSphere Client. So my question is that...
View ArticleRe: DashBoard refresh timing
The different portlets (Auto-Discovery, Recent Alerts, etc... ) are refreshed every 2 minutes.
View ArticleRe: Do we support SSO for vCloud Director login
Yes it is supported.You need to have SSO setup with vCenter prior to configuring it with vCloud Director.In you vCloud Director go to System > Administration > Federation and enable Use vSphere...
View ArticleRe: Cannot extend disk with vmkfstools -X
Hi André, On trying the Tab Expansion it places a backslash after the first part of the vm disk name. /vmfs/volumes/4fedd28a-1ed535fe-8a09-d48564c86f22/uk.domainname.com AP2 # vmkfstools -X 180g...
View ArticleVPN not working with vmware in bridge and nat mode over wifi
Hi, currently I'm running Win 8 in Fusion 5.0.2 and having the problem that I can not connect to the vpn network of my company when I'm connected over wifi under Mountain Lion. VPN is only working if...
View Articlemoving files and apps between guest os
My mac is running Fusion 4, with XP64bit as a guest OS. I am planing to upgrade to Windows 7 64bit, I understand its not possible to simply upgrade to the new OS like you can do with Mac OS. In which...
View ArticleRe: Exception, 'Unexpected status code: 400'
Hi Ivan, Yup, they are - In fact at first I had the VCO installed on the same box as the Vcenter/SSO. since it was giving this error, I de-installed and setup the appliance. and the same error...
View ArticleRe: Hardware status on ESXi 5.0U1 with HP CIM providers needs a...
Yes it's pretty sure, that the error is part of the HP software. It is seemingly dependent on the physical hardware of the host machine if this error occurs or not. But as is is quite complicated to...
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