Re: Real time CPU and Memory Utilization report of all ESX Host...
Many thanks sir, after running the above script getting output like this Name Memory State Time CPU172.16.0.1932.00% Connected3/14/2013 15:00163.00% regardsMr VMware
View Articlecorrupted jetty-vum-ssl.xml
Can anyone post an example of "program files (x86)\vmware\Update manager\jetty-vum-ssl.xml" for wokring update manager service ? Seems that mine has corrupted when I rebooted the server. And though...
View ArticleRe: HA not working properly
I'm planning to put host A back in the cluster, but first this issue needs to be fixed. This test is just to simulate a crash from a host.
View ArticleRe: Applying an SSL Certificate from a Private Certificate Authority generate...
Hi Schoppert, the /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcertmgr addcacert /etc/ssl/certs/horizon_private_ca.pem did not worked, I eve tried to restart the whole infra with the same result: COS: Unable to get class of...
View ArticleRe: VM is Maked as Invalid - How to restore this VM to Operation?
In the end, we raised a call with VMWare directly. After their engineer removed and tried to re-add the VM to the host, she decided to just create a new vm and attach the old disk to the new VM. This...
View ArticleRe: HA not working properly
I have read the article. So if i understand it correctly this is by design and it is normal i get this message on one of the hosts.
View ArticleWorkstation 9.0.2 1031769 build and USB issue
Hi, I upgraded my v9 Workstation installation to the latest v9.0.2 1031769 build yesterday and am now suffering from general USB failures on the host. I noticed shortly after the installation that the...
View ArticleChange Rollup Type of a Particular Counter
Is that possible to Change Rollup Type of a Particular Counter?
View ArticleRe: Trying to shrink Server 2012 disk using Converter 5.0.1
Same deal, Bombed out at 18%. Log file enclosed.
View ArticleRe: Real time CPU and Memory Utilization report of all ESX Host...
Percentage output is not working....Name MemoryState Time CPU172.16.0.1932.00%Connected3/14/2013 15:00163.00%want output in xls format , done folowing changes but not working help me with the...
View ArticleRe: Linking to Request Submission Forms from Intranet Page
Thanks Stuart, This seems to do the trick although we’ve not fully tested yet. I assume you are using this without any issues in your Production environment? Dan
View ArticleRe: VDP is losing schedules
Hi, This time backup schedules were gone after normal reboot. I think data is still there but there's no way to recover anythingfrom GUI at the time as it doesn't know of any restore pointsanymore. Is...
View ArticleRe: Convert this local machine fails
There are many ways for the conversion to fail and there is no easy way to detect that the specific failure is because of local admin or UAC. Note that in some cases even running as domain admin (added...
View ArticleMigration of vCenter from VM to physical
Hi Apologies if I have posted in the wrong forums, feel free to move me :-) We need to move our vCentre 4.1 (hosts running ESXi 4.1) from a VM to a physical host due to issues with our backups. I have...
View ArticleRe: Exception, 'Unexpected status code: 400'
Are the times of vCenter/SSO and vCO synchronized?Because this may cause the issue you have. RegardsIvan
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1 Hangs on SSD
Hi, I have checked those sympthoms en unable to press numlock enor any other key. For the teste i have cleaned the datastore en removed the cache en disabled the cache. So far so good but the problems...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1 Hangs on SSD
I am out of the office today. Please contact the IS Servicedesk if your enquiry is urgent RegardsDan Daniel BoddyTrackside Infrastructure Group LeaderLotus F1 Team T +44 (0) 1608 678000M +44 (0)...
View ArticleRe: Real time CPU and Memory Utilization report of all ESX Host...
Sure, try it like this $entity= Get-VMHost$counter="cpu.usage.average","mem.usage.average"$report=@()Get-Stat-Entity$entity-Stat$counter-Realtime-MaxSamples1|Group-Object-Property {$_.Entity.Name}...
View ArticleRe: Migration of vCenter from VM to physical
Hi Kerms, Yes all vCetner Configurations including the DvSwitches details are stored in the backend database. the vSPhere client we install is just the binary of UI which will pull the details from...
View ArticleRe: running applications from flashdrive using vmware
Hi, thanks for the quick response. Can you provide more details on what are the steps reuired to convert a regular winforms .net application to be able to run on a regular flashdrive? Also if you can...
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