VM naming convention.
Hi What should be the exact format for nameing a VM for better convinience, standardization & managibility in the datastore? for instance if i am creating a VM to install Windows Server 2003...
View ArticleRe: vSphere 5 search is not working..
No, Even from VC itself serach does not happen. I managed to solve the issue as per this KB. http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2011871
View ArticleRe: using powercli to control limit disk iops
Hey LucD, Thanks again for the great help, I have been working on this script from quite some time and it has really helped me with my project. However, I have one more request. As of now when I...
View ArticleRe: Upgraded to Workstation 8, now getting "Failed to suspend the virtual...
Hi,Changing the working directory back to the VM location did resolve the issue.Thank you sorting this. If this is a known limitation why is it possible to set the working directory to a custom...
View ArticleRe: Service Console IP Address Change
create another service console with the IP you want ...... a redundant one then take down the first one
View ArticleAny Impact if we downgrade the ESXi Licences from Enterprise + to Enterprise ??
Hi All, Because of aur Org requirements , i need to take back the Enterprise + licences assigned to hosts and assin the Enterpsise licences. Have below queries regaridng this: > Is there any...
View ArticleRe: using powercli to control limit disk iops
The script calls the ReconfigVM_Task method. Each SDK method is mapped to 2 entry points in PowerCLI, the method with a _Task suffix and without that suffix.If you call the method with _Task suffix it...
View ArticleRe: Using Annotations vs Custom Tags on Virtual machines
I'm not aware of any disadvantages from using categories/tags (yet). Here are some of the advantages that I'm aware of: SelectableRight now, you can put things like owner and department into an...
View ArticleRe: vmware view и power cli
Не пользуюсь View поэтому ниже IMHO:download - он вроде как у вас уже есть - Introduction to View PowerCLIНу и грудка мыслей тех кто пользуется:PowerShell Integration with VMware View 5.0Setting VMware...
View ArticleRe: Doubt with the PoolFactory interface
Jens Is correct the server C is a Gemfire server.But why I'm connecting to this server if in my client application I configure others two servers?
View ArticleRe: ESXi+ blade mfsys25 lan
на 2 не нужно, 11 поставте....даже не знаю, ребутните свич. Попробуйте добавить еще один не теггированный порт внешний и гляньте работает ли влан на внешних портах.
View ArticleRe: Vcenter Login Error
Discussion successfully moved from VMware® Horizon™ View to VMware vCenter™
View ArticleRe: VM naming convention.
below are some examples 1st three letter to describe Datacenter location - TEX ( It would be handy if you have multiple datacenters ) next three letter to describe OS version - 2k3 / 2k8next two /...
View ArticleHow Many Nested Clusters we can create in Vcenter?
Hi, Can any body tell me, how may nested Clusters and how many clusters we can create under a Datacenter in Vcenter5.1 Thanks in advance.......
View ArticleSpecs for Exchange 2010
Hey Everyone, I would like to ask what size cpu, vmdk sizes and memory people are sizing (Multiple server roles combinations of Hub Transport, Client Access, and Mailbox server roles) with 600 users on...
View ArticleESXi 4.1 и HP BL460cG7 - проблема с Emulex NC553i (10Gb)
На лезвии HP BL460cG7 тестируется vSphere, для совместимости с другими серверами желательно установить ESXi 4.1, но установщик не видит набортные сетевые карты (штатный двухпортовый Emulex NC553i...
View ArticleПереносное устройство для VMware
Привет всем, хочу развернуть виртуальную машину на переносном устройстве, меня интересует какое самое дешёвое устройство для этого подойдет. На виртуалку ОС ставлю winxp, оперативки ставлю 512 мб,...
View ArticleRe: SQL Server update for Vcenter 5.1
please find the detailed steps for migrating database from SQL express edition to the SQL 2008....
View ArticleRe: ESXI 5.1 NIC e1000 driver triggers PSoD with exception 14
PSOD:s is usually related to memory or a bad driver. Is this a new setup or has it been working reliably before?Is all components on the VMware HCL? // Linjo
View ArticleRe: How work Optimus in relation to VMware Workstation 8 with 3D enable
There will always be some penalty when running virtual hardware and there is not much you can do to improve except for avoiding paging, running the latest version of VMware Workstation and have updated...
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