Fusion 5.0.3 Tools version?
Has the version of VMware Tools for Fusion 5.0.3 been updated over those of 5.0.2? New ISO files were downloaded, but the contents seem the same as for 5.0.2. Also, none of my VMs are indicating they...
View ArticleRe: Should I use the original or the ESXi based OEM Custom ISO?
Hi bitvm! Thank but, can you send me more information? Greetings,Christian.
View ArticleLooping vm machines and doing file operations
Hi, I'm using with vSphere Guest SDK Documentation in .NET C#. VI-ToolKit.I'm trying to loop all my vm machines in my ESXi and to do some file operations , I'm confused but I didn't find how I can...
View ArticleSAN extension for production ESX servers
Prod_Datastore appears to have <5% free space - 35GB free of the 800GB used, and with 1.24 TB provisioned. Please advise options to extend...either to 1GB or to the provisioned size of 1.24TB....
View ArticleRe: Creating MSCS using Node & File Share Majority a supported config in VCD?
so the question is can I make a MCSC setup inside the vApp construct without using a shared drive? yes, but you may need to use software iSCSI on the Windows Nodes and point to some other VM in the...
View ArticleRe: vCD and Media to UNC drive
what I think that post is describing is how to boot from an ISO, because they may have forgotton to insert the disk via the UI before first boot. the VM, by default on first boot, will try to boot from...
View ArticleRe: Console Proxy not working behind Edge Load Balancer
I don't know. if you ran the configure script and it didn't ask for the certificates.ks file, then it hasn't done anything to update the system. somehwere in the $VCLOUD_HOME path, there are two...
View ArticleRe: Внешние и внутренние сервера
Наверно с несколькими виртуальными свитчами я погорячился. Правильней все же, по моему, будет взаимодействие между Internal и External сетями организовывать на стороне Cisco или CheckPoint'a. Есть...
View ArticleProblem with vcloud director Application Home
Hello, I installed vCenter in windows 2008 R2 and configured vShield and vCloud director. When open vCloud director wep page, it's showing the page, and i want to create providers and organizations...
View ArticleRe: vCops Plugin failed to connect to the UI VM
I don't think thats the root cause. I'm able to connect to the webinterface using the NEW IP-address.Inside the plugin-manager it says: vCenter Operations ManagerVMware, Inc.
View ArticleRe: ESXI 5.1 NIC e1000 driver triggers PSoD with exception 14
It worked with some old build version of the ESXi 5.0 branch, but this was the one with the auto start error (see: http://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/2012/07/vsphere-hypervisor-auto-start-bug-fixed.html)...
View ArticleRe: vSphere 5.1 - Need help to find potential problems/drawbacks to look out for
Got another one: The installation proccess is much more complicated than prior 5.1. Even when using simple intall the databases have to be created manually through the SQL Server Management Studio.
View ArticleRe: Creating MSCS using Node & File Share Majority a supported config in VCD?
thanks for the info do you remember any url for more resource how i can configure this
View ArticleSupport for hibernation
I've read a few threads on this forum about guest hibernation support in Windows, but no clear answers as to whether or not it is officially supported, particularly on Windows 8. I've discovered that...
View ArticlePlease Critique vCenter 4.0.0 to 5.x Migration Plan
I started a new job last week and have been assigned the task to migrate a vCenter 4.0.0 instance to 5.0 and to upgrade the vSphere hosts from ESX 4.0 to ESXi 5.0. Please critique the plan below....
View ArticleRe: Best practice on Windows deployment
Do you know if there is any good examples? Just using sysprep from the UI is resetting the activation. I assume a customization script should be used? 17 mar 2013 kl. 13:27 skrev Joel Lindberg...
View ArticleRe: VXLAN VIB- not able to download vxlan.zip
Hi All, I am also facing similar issue in ESX5.1. Whenever I try to add host to dvswitch it tries to enable the vxlan agent and it fails. Tried lot of things download and install VXLAN.zip manually,...
View ArticleVM Workstation V9 "the file specified is not a virtual disk"
I am using Workstation 9 and run all of my VM's from an external hard drive. When I open up two of my most frequently used VM's the "Hard Disk" under devices is blank and when I try to start the VM...
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