Re: Problems Installing VMWare Tools - OpenSUSE 12.3
Thanks cavallo71 ! Worked like a charm -- shared folders working now. However, drag and drop between guest and host doesn't work, and neither does copy-and-paste. Any ideas? Thanks in advance, Paul
View ArticleRe: Collegare un hard disk alla macchina host
localdisk500 è VMFS5?Hai provato anche con l'altra opzione?Prova a cambiare dir ed eseguire il comando direttamente il comando nel datastore di destinazione.
View ArticleRe: Host Profiles: The options Mem.VMOverheadGrowthLimit have been changed...
I can't find it either and will open a case with VMware. The option appears to be hidden in the profile somewehere. You built or updated your host profile from a machine where the option was...
View ArticleRe: VCAP-DCA Scheduled for tomarrow
This was my exam experience: sure to know all the arguments of the blueprint.And manage well your avaiable time during the exam.
View ArticleRe: 5.0.2 crashing
I have upgraded to 10.8.3 and then Fusion 5.0.3 .. I no longer have the crashing issues related to OSX video drivers. I now seem to have a new problem - the whole system freezes when switching between...
View ArticleRe: Problems Installing VMWare Tools - OpenSUSE 12.3
Mmmm I never dared to drag and drop. The cut 'n copy it works for me using ctrl-shift-v or ctrl-shit-c from within the konsole terminal (I'm assuming you're using kde as default desktop). I use meta-c...
View ArticleRe: Server appliance bağlanılamıyor
bunu sıfırdan sadece db kısmını nasıl kurabilirim acaba?
View ArticleRe: 5.0.2 crashing
In case it's now clear from my last note: My machine started crashing when I updated to 5.0.2 in Novermber, so I reverted back to 5.0.1 and it has been working fine up until 2 days ago. I updated to...
View ArticleUnable to Join the ESXi host in Domain
I am facing this very strange problem. I was trying to join ESXi5.0 to domain and task is completed successfully and then under the Authentication Services properties link gets greyed out. Anyone any...
View ArticleRe: Abysmal Upload Speed in ESXi 5.1
Hello, maybe I'm now a little bit of arrogant, but the problem is with one of your network card. But I cannot say its the NIC in your Workstation or the Broadcom from DELL. Why I believe this - see an...
View ArticleESXi 5.1 ghettoVCB won't run
Hello, New to the forum, this is my first post. I've been using ESXi 4.1 with ghettoVCB for over a year now with no problems.Today I upgrade to ESXi 5.1, and ghettoVCB has stopped working.I patched the...
View ArticleRe: 5.0.2 crashing
Darius D thinks everything is trivial and that they aren't responsible for or need to fix bugs. I have submitted many issues and nothing seems to be done. It took then almost 6 months to address a...
View ArticleRe: Abysmal Upload Speed in ESXi 5.1
RE kozzy30320111… Your issue could be a non-enabled / not present / defective battery for the write cache. I deal just with HP Servers. They have the SmartArray P212/P410 or new P222/P420 as the...
View ArticleRe: VMDirectPath and ATI Radeon
And that was my problem, I didn't realize I could add USB connected devices, as PCI devices to my VM. I passed through the USB deivces, then added the ports as PCI devices and now thatnks to you guys,...
View ArticleHow to import data to SM9.1 from SAP?
Dear all, as I know we can use certain connector to integrate SM9 with other systems,ex. AD connector, CSV connector, etc. but how about SAP system?I didn't find the connector information for SAP,...
View ArticleRe: Fusion 5.0.3 Tools version?
I noticed the exact same thing. The version of VMware Tools in 5.0.2 carried over to 5.0.3
View ArticleRe: VMDirectPath and ATI Radeon
Its trial and error I am afraid. All of my onvoard USB devices are passed through and yours looks to be the same as mine, each USB 2.0 controller has 3 USB hubs. I pass through the USB 2.0 controller...
View ArticleRe: VSM 9.1 FP5 is available to download
thanks, just installed. found a quick bug maybe, in the call search/outstanding, result list columns, the "Customer Partition" always show blank values, how about yours? thanks! BRTony
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